Sunday, January 15, 2006

Woman given Asbo for suicide bids

Is this an example of the lunatics running the asylum? I completely fail to see how the proposed remedy (asbo: anti-social behaviour order) can actually be effective or even what it may do. The woman described in the article has been assessed - allegedly - as being sane by experts. We can all rest at ease with that. If experts say so then, assuming (!) that this is a professional appraisal without prejudice, it MUST be so. Remarkable. Still sane after 9 years of pain. This woman clearly needs help and nobody can, or is willing, to provide it. She doesn’t need an asbo. She needs help. Long term pain management must be dreadful. It never goes away. The frustration and pain and generally being worn down over a very long time - 9 bloody years for Christ’s sake - would drive any ‘sane’ person to drastic action. Screaming silently for help? I’d say so. Who’s had a nasty toothache - and then had it attended to, but without an anaesthetic. Seriously unfunny. Like an inappropriate asbo.

Amy Dallamura has been banned from parts of the promenade and beaches of Aberystwyth because she tried many times to kill herself. Aberystwyth magistrates have approved the order barring her from entering the sea, the beaches, parts of the promenade and walking on the town's Constitution Hill. Amy has actually been given an asbo banning her from much of her home town's seafront. It seems like the magistrates would like Amy to have the decency to kill herself out of site of the public - it’s very distressing. They (the magistrates) cannot understand why she would want to do this. An asbo was applied for: "...because in our view we thought what she was doing was anti-social. It was causing the public who witnessed what she did distress."

One policeman received a bravery award after pulling her out of the sea off Aberystwyth three years ago. But Ms Dallamura said pain from health problems had led her to "desperation". My sanity has never been the problem, but the pain has led me to make desperate decisions about my future. Insp Alan Samuel, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said he believed it was the first Asbo of its type in Wales, but it was the force's only option to stop Ms Dallamura. “We thought what she was doing was anti-social. It was causing the public who witnessed what she did distress.“ Only option? And how does it work? Must have explored possible alternatives really extensively - at least 5 minutes of input. Insp Samuel said some members of the public had been alarmed by her numerous suicide attempts. How many? One? Ten? One hundred? Bet it wasn’t Joe Public. Maybe someone‘s business affected by the tragic Amy. But, what a terrific accolade for a caring community: a first! Beat the rest of the country.

Ms Dallamura said bouts of depression had been brought on by her poor health, although she was feeling better now. That’s good. The asbo has had a real effect, then. She said hip and back problems had resulted in her suffering severe pain which had led to her suicide attempts. Ms Dallamura, who uses crutches, said: "I never wanted anyone to risk their life to save me and I never wanted anyone to see me attempt to take my own life. I have nearly died on the two or three times I've been out in the sea. I was saved when an infra-red camera on a helicopter was used to find me in 2002."

She added: "My health has deteriorated over the last nine years and I've had major surgery four times and an unsuccessful hip replacement. My sanity has never been the problem, but the pain has led me to make desperate decisions about my future."

Doesn't the fact that Amy uses crutches and "I've had major surgery four times and an unsuccessful hip replacement" and has been banned from "...walking on the town's Constitution Hill" sound very odd. And she has been assessed as free of mental illness. As they describe: "suffers from no mental illness". That doesn't mean she doesn't suffer - from pain? - just not mental illness. Walks up hills using crutches, has been (for 9 years), and is, in constant great pain yet remains mentally healthy.


I wish Amy Dallamura well.


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