Thursday, August 17, 2006

Blair and the laser-guided bombs

President G.W. Bush and Tony I'd-like-to-be-a-president-too Blair yesterday (28.07.06) agreed to back a new UN resolution sending a multinational force to Lebanon, as criticism grew of their failure to call for an immediate cease fire in the region.

Bush apologised for America's use of Glasgow's Prestwick Airport to ferry laser-guided bombs to Israel without following proper procedures.

"The President said sorry there was a problem. It was a gracious thing to do," Blair's official spokesman said.

Except he's just saying what he has been told to say. Platitudes so Blair can stay up Bush's backside where he doesn't see any daylight. These precision laser-guided 5 tonne bombs are a back order from a year ago (pretty quick off the mark there). Makes me wonder whether the Americans stopped off at Prestwick to pick up the late order. British built? Not just a refuelling stop. And, of course, using Blair's homeland of Scotland to do it. Hardly neutral ground and Blair fucks us all. Again.

Blair is about to go on his hols (03.08.06). Stop the war chaps. For a couple of weeks at least. Hope the bastard has a rotten time on his holiday (he won’t, of course) reading about the British (and American) soldiers who will die over the course of his holiday.

And all of the innocent Lebanese children who will die as a result of his 'dealings' with the Devil and his mates.


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