Monday, April 18, 2005

Material Possessives

See these every day. Big new, expensive car demonstrating wealth with an attitude displaying ignorance. Just a big ego giving a false self image of importance. Delusion. These are horrible people. Met one a while ago. Bullying type with a really nasty attitude. It just doesn’t work on me. Anway, it got out of its car, then slammed the door - wasn’t the car’s fault was it? Noticed the tantrum though; childlike. What they always find annoying is the failure of the technique. They’re not used to that. A fairly standard behaviour pattern and all strutting mouth. Rather amusing. My suggestion of “nice car, you should look after it” was enough to get the nervous laugh covering a deeper worry. Threatens the material things.

Sort of creep who’d kick the casualty who’d damaged their car after they’d just been knocked down - and maybe been killed.


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