Friday, September 08, 2006

The Daily E*****s reports...

£30.4 million mortgage loans for July. Interesting this. The Daily Telegraph apparently describes this as "raising further fears for Britain's economy and indebted homeowners."

The Daily E*****s seems to imagine this all a good thing. Loans booming. House price rises soaring, but...

...households are heavily in debt according to economists. Ever increasing energy prices and interest rises expected later in the year, consumer prices are likely to be under pressure.

It looks like people are just giving up. Don't care anymore. Although slightly less that in June (6%), it was 19% higher than a year ago at £25.5 billion.

If this is for one month then around £30.4*12 = £364.8 billion will be loaned in one year. That equates to an ENORMOUS interest account for one year's loans. Year in year out and increasing...

We will reach meltdown and it's only a matter of when. Bliar will be gone. Somewhere. USA? Scotland? Hell?

Are you all STILL asleep? Comatose? Couldn't give a shit?

Being screwed by Bliar so hard and not notice. Amazing.

Note: £1 trillion = £1000,000,000,000.

All those zeros are so much more impressive (£1 million million or £1000 billion).


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